All loan applications are presented to the CWRPDA Board of Directors for approval. Applicants should coordinate with their WQCD project manager, CWRPDA, or DOLA to determine the appropriate application deadline to ensure timely Board action.
- Direct Loans (Less than $3 million) Direct Loan applications are accepted at seven deadlines throughout the year. It is expected to take approximately 6 months from application to execution of the loan (If approved).
- Leveraged Loans (More than $3 million) Loans that are over $3 million are connected to a Bond issuance and are considered “Leveraged Loans”. Leveraged Loans have two sales a year one in the spring and one in the fall.
First click below if your estimated loan amount is under or over $3 million
Second click the available loan application deadline to get the estimated financing schedule below
Loan Applications
Is your project above or
below $3 million?
Projects above $3 million currently have two loan application deadlines, January 5th and June 5th
Estimated Financing Schedule
Applicable Loan Application
Deadlines under and over $3 million
January 5th Loan Application
March Authority Board Meeting
May - July
Loan closing*
If approved. 2-4 months closing
*These are estimated closing dates for initial planning purposes only. Loan closing dates may be adjusted depending on the community’s time frame and negotiation of the loan.