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Image by Ivan Bandura
Ariel picture of a water treatment plant construction site

Drinking Water Revolving Fund(DWRF)

in SRF Loan/Grant combo funding for Colorado Communities since 1986



Current Interest rates(under $3million)
Click here for more Interest rate information

Direct Loan
Non-Disadvantaged Community

For info about Disadvantaged Community program click here



loan term



loan term

Qualified as Disadvantaged Community Category 2

For info about Disadvantaged Community program click here



loan term



loan term

Qualified as Disadvantaged Community Category 1

For info about Disadvantaged Community program click here



loan term



loan term

Leveraged Loan
$3 million loans

For info about Disadvantaged Community program click here


Rate Subsidy

on the  Authority's AAA bond issue

*All interest rates are approved by the Authority's Board and are subject to change anytime at the Authority Board's discretion.

Due to increased demand as well as reductions in the DWRF Capitalization Grant due to CDS funding DWRF loans are extremely competitive and may be subject to prioritization.


In 2023, the Drinking Water Revolving Fund (“DWRF”) received $13,384,000 in capitalization grant funds and $32,600,000 BIL Capitalization grant funds from the Environmental Protection Agency.


In order to receive a loan through the DWRF, you must first make sure that your project is on the 2022-2023 DWRF Eligibility List. If your project isn’t on the list, your community can apply to get on the list by filling out the Eligibility Survey below.

For 2024, the Authority Board of Directors is offering loans of less than $3,000,000 as direct loans, at an interest rate of 3.25% for 20 years and 3.50% for up to 30 years, or less if your community qualifies as disadvantaged. Loans may also receive a reduced interest rate if the project qualifies as “Green” and if the “Green” requirement has not been met by the Authority.

Loans over $3,000,000 are leveraged loans, which will require the issuance of municipal bonds and will have subsidized interest rates at 85% of the market rates. There is currently a $30 million dollar cap on funding through the DWRF program.

DWRF Brochure

Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority

303 - 830 -1550

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